Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

A russian cheesecake and the desire for my man.

Since my boyfriend moved to Leipzig to go to college my baking obsession reaches fever pitch! I can't spend a day without baking at least some cookies or other sweet give-aways. Today I decided to make a Russian cheese cake. The recipe is very easy and it's DELICIOUS!! If you want to make it a little fancier just put some cherries on the flan case before you add the cream-cheese-mix. here is the recipe:

Preheat the oven to 175 °C

For the shortcrust:
200 g butter
150 g sugar
350 g plain flour
30 g cocoa powder
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg

Mix the ingredients together until everything is combined and put it in the fridge for about 10 minutes (not to long since it gets to hard to roll it out).

Lighty dust a clean work surface with flour
roll out the dough with a rolling pin. 
Line the prepared dish with the dough and trim it if needed
with a sharp knife. 
the edges might be a little tricky. If the dough breaks to often
just put it back in the fridge for a few minutes. 
just use your hands to connect the bottom and the edges!
 If you are done put the dough in the oven for 10 minutes. 

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

The cupcake selling was very successful: I sold all of the cupcakes during 3 hours, and there were a lot...
Here are some pictures of the selling and the costumers favorite cupcakes.

the costumers favorite: peaches and cream cupcake

vanilla cupcakes, cherry chocolate cupcakes, blueberry cupcakes

strawberry chocolate gateau

unfortunately I didn't have time to take pictures of every sort of cupcakes I made.

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Cupcakes on sale

This saturday my sister and I will have our own little sales booth on a market of our church. It's the very first time that I'll sell the things I bake. Hope this is going to be successful. The following posts will show you some of the sweets I'll sell.
Oh, and before I forget:
On the picture you can see my newest acquirement: THE HUMMINGBIRD BAKERY COOKBOOK (I've never been to the bakery but my boyfriend and I plan to go to London this winter and the Hummingbird Bakery will definitely be on my To-do-list!). Of course some of the recipes will give me the perfect inspiration for decorating my cupcakes and give them a delicious frosting!

Have to start baking now!

Mittwoch, 21. September 2011

i love cake

"Einen Kuchen zu backen und mit anderen zu teilen, ist vielleicht eine der letzten Bastionen reiner, unverfälschter Großzügigkeit. Eine schlichte, unprätentiöse Geste, in Verbindung mit einem so unbeschwerten, absolut nicht notwendigen kulinarischen Genuss. Gebäck, von Hand selbst hergestellt, inmitten einer immer virtueller werdenden Welt. Ein Symbol für die Macht der Liebe, doch nicht als eitle, süße Vorstellung, sondern als lebendige, verbündende Kraft."
- Trish Deseine